Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
There isn’t much
I can do about it.
I really don’t care
anyway. I just hope
no one finds out.

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
I am very happy.
I have the baby I’ve been
wishing for. Peter and I both
have jobs and enough money
for everything we need.

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
I’m shy but people think
I’m stuck up. They think I think
I’m superior. I always summarize a very
profound thought, making it into a
platitude, or say something stupid like,
“That’s the way the cookie crumbles."

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
I like to sit under a tree
and watch the clouds
sail over me. In the scheme
of things on high,
I am but a little fly.

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
I have immense hatred for Donna.
It is festering like a boil.
I want justice.
I will never forgive her.

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
I own a pearl necklace.
I like cats, expensive perfume, and
flouncy floral fabrics. I have had a
wide variety of sexual experiences.

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
I know if he finds the dishwasher carton full of empty bottles, he’ll know about my drinking problem. So I keep the basement door locked. “It’s too messy to go down there,” I say.

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
We are in danger. There are strange obstacles in the road. We will use cunning strategies to get us through. We will be better for it in the end.

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
When I am sleeping, I am always beautiful.

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
My art career has started to take off. They want my work in different places all over the world. It is being written about in important magazines. My dealer calls me at least twice a week.

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
It is all below. Snow covered rooftops, chimneys puffing with smoke, white moonlit hills, and trees glistening with snow lumps.

Date: 1995
Medium: oil on linen, text panel
Dimensions: 61 X 53.3 cm
The Art Gallery of Ontario
We meet on Wednesdays for lunch, go to his apartment after. I stay till 4, then go to pick up the baby at daycare. No one knows.