Date: 1992
Medium: acrylic on canvas, text panels
Dimensions: 5’ X 16’
Collection of the artist
Out of water
broken, bleeding,
sit and watch
the birds a’ feeding.
Life’s worth living
even though
around that bend
never to go.

Date: 1992
Medium: acrylic on canvas, text panels
Dimensions: 5’ X 16’
Collection of the artist
Like the poky puppy,
I follow dead roads.
The houses are adobe,
but seem to be of gold.
Brightness is mad.
Shadows are little.
Across quivering sand,
heat makes flesh sizzle.

Date: 1992
Medium: acrylic on canvas, title panels
Collection of the artist
Across the sea of grassland plays
the eagle’s ever distant gaze.
The cattle roam to water holes,
and I to where nobody knows.
I’ve finished working now I grin.
The at death’s door, I do look in.
Hulla luba. Hulla luba.
Oooky dooky poky tuba.

Date: 1992
Medium: acrylic on canvas, title panels
Dimensions: 5’ X 16’
Collection of the artist
Always going,
never stopping.
if there’s nothing,
why risk knowing?
It is almost as if I do not exist.
The road goes on
without me.